About Us
North Quabbin Citizen Advocacy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has been making friendship and practical help matches since 1983.

North Quabbin Citizen Advocacy is an association to develop and support relationships for people who will benefit from guidance, companionship and/or advocacy.
Our objective is to provide protection and advocacy for vulnerable people by fostering one-to-one personal relationships between people living in the North Quabbin Community.
Pictured, front: Nate Johnson, Executive Director; back, left to right: Maryann Sullivan, (retired) Office Manager; Bonnie Frank, (retired) Coordinator; Carol Bachelder, Associate Coordinator and Jessica Gale-Tanner, Administrative Coordinator
Our Work is Vital
We are being challenged in ways we have not known before.
Survival - Work - Family - Home - Food - Safety
Where is community with physical distance?
We need each other.
Communities work best when the web of relationships include us all—the poor, elderly, and disabled side by side with the rich, young, and able-bodied.
The informal network of mutually beneficial relationships defines community.
Disabled people are often not included.
NQCA invites ordinary citizens to reach out and include our neighbors that are in need, and in doing so strengthens the web for us all.
Our Process
NQCA recruits and supports unpaid advocates to be helpful friends to people who would benefit from guidance, companionship and/or advocacy.
NQCA, through the relationships it supports, helps the people in need, their advocates, and the entire community as neighborly caring increases.
Our Impact
Through newsletters, presentations, and discussions, NQCA’s work invites others to call forth more neighborly caring in other communities.
Lessons from working with hundreds of people in caring relationships serve as a guide to others on the “how to” questions of initiating and supporting freely-given relationships.