Thank You to Our Supporters
We would like to thank everyone who has supported NQCA this year.
Betsy Alkins & Alan Berman
Athol Area YMCA
Athol Congregational Church
Athol Lions Club
Athol-Orange Fraternal Order of the Eagles
Athol Savings Bank
Athol Spirits
Carol Bachelder
Carolyn Barrett
Al & Bonnie Benjamin
Marie & Channing Bete
Karl Bittenbender
Polly Bixby & Karen Grzesik
Ernie Bobilin
Steven Bradley
Gary Brigham
Heather Butler
C&M Rough Cut Sawmill
Guy Caruso
Central Congregational Church of New Salem
Naomi Charest & Michael Ciampa
Community Church of North Orange & Tully
Corner Cafe
Peter & Candy Cross
Judy Crossman
Ralph & Joy Cutter
Tabitha DeHays
Delta Consulting
Dean's Beans
Lisa DeWitt
Tom & Jan Doody
Ed Dornig
Bruce & Sue Dunbar
Jane Ellis
Doug & Sally Feeney
Ben & Susie Feldman
First Universalist Church
Rice Flanders
David & Pam Gale
Jessica Gale-Tanner & Ben Tanner
Tracy Gaudet
Peter & Nancy Gerry​
Tabitha Gillam
Godin Real Estate
Janet Goldsmith
Phoebe Goodman
Atty. Lynnette Goodnow​
Bo & Janet Henderson
Heyes Forest Products, Inc.
Priscilla Hume
Hunt Accounting Services, Inc.
John DeWitt & The Tectonics
Glenn Johnson
Rev. Dr. Jeffrey P. Johnson
Ken & Judy Johnson
Leon & Sandra Johnson
Nate Johnson
Will Johnson
Frank Kanserstein
Sue King
Kimball-Cooke, Inc.
Sandra Knight
Raenette Kramer
Cindy LaJoy
Jim & Nancy Lake
Pat Larson
Amanda Leavitt
Alice Leonard
Luanne Lyman
Mahar Key Club
Janet Marble
Judith McIntosh
Marilyn McIntosh
Audrey McKenney
Kenneth & Moira Mumma
Diane Nassif
Noel's Nursery
North Orange Grange #86
Open Sky Community Services
Orange Oil Co.
Linda Overing & John Ryan
Jennifer Peck
Pete's Tire Barns
Christine Phelps
Lisa Pollock
Porter Transportation Co., Inc.
Quabbin Harvest
Philip & Carla Rabinowitz
Sandy Renna
​David Roulston
Mari Rovang
Philip & Andrea Shaughnessy
Mark Shoul
Don & Janee Stone
Heidi Strickland & Susan Paju
Maryann Sullivan
The Can Collectors
The Terryriffics
Melanie Thibeault
Trinitarian Congregational Church of Warwick
Valuing Our Children
Donna Wainwright
Nan Wallace
Gary Watrous
Randall & Kathleen Webster
Charlotte Weltzin
JoAnn Wheeler
Rep. Susannah Whipps
Whipps, Inc.
Ruth White
Tessa White-Diemand
Nancy Wilson
Pat Worth
Witty's Funeral Home
Jack & Marcia Yates
Jane Yoon
Francis & Pat Zak
Tom Ziniti

Thank You!

We would like to extend a HUGE thank you to those who helped make our Spring Soup & Song a success!
Thank you to those who made soups and desserts, donated rolls, provided entertainment and to all who came out and attended!
Your support makes it possible for us to continue to support people with mental handicaps or disorders.
Thank You to Our Partners and Supporters!
Franklin County Regional Housing & Redevelopment Authority /
Orange Community Development Block Grant
United Way of the Franklin and Hampshire Region
Greater Worcester Community Foundation
John W. Boynton Fund, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee
Frank S. Parmenter Trust Fund, Bank of America, N.A., Co-Trustee